How To Re-engage Your Old Real Estate Leads with 5 Simple Strategies

It’s time to re-engage your old real estate leads! This can be a great way to drive new business. Sometimes those leads weren’t ready to convert, but they are now. Perhaps your communication strategy has improved and you’re more experienced to convert them today. Whatever the case, re-engaging your old leads is a great strategy to fill your pipeline and drive more business.

5 Strategies to Re-engage Your Old Real Estate Leads

1. Use Your Content To Reconnect

It might have been a while since your last communication with your lead. Therefore, it’ll be important to reconnect by adding value to your relationship. This can be done by leveraging your content and sharing relevant and appropriate information that will be valuable to your lead. 

By using your content as leverage, you’ll be able to stay at the top-of-mind of your lead while maintaining positive associations by sharing relevant and appropriate content. 

2. Highlight New Trends

Re-engage Your Old Real Estate Leads

A great strategy to resurrect dead leads is by sharing new trends and up-to-date information. This establishes you as a thought leader with your contact and helps to create positive feelings of trust.

What is something you’ve learned about that you can share with your leads that can be useful? When you can provide value to your leads, you will find yourself filling your pipeline up.

3. Focus on Your Leads

If strategies 1 and 2 are not relevant for you, then this strategy will be more effective. Regardless of whether you are able to do strategies 1 and 2, executing on this strategy will help you build your relationship with your lead. 

Focus on your lead instead of focusing on your business. Sometimes the best strategy isn’t promoting yourself but getting invested in your lead. Find them on linkedin or another social media platform. This is a great way to network with your leads and learn what’s going on in their lives. Sometimes a new job may help indicate they’re looking to move, but other news might indicate they are no longer a lead. Regardless of your intent remember to always be be genuine in your communication and authentic in how you choose to represent yourself online.

4. Network and Find New Connections

If Strategies 1-3 didn’t work for you. Then it’s time to find new leads! There’s no shame in laying to rest your leads that didn’t change. Instead, look to the future and discover more ways to generate more leads. This can be done by asking for referrals, going to networking events that you haven’t participated in, or just saying hello to a stranger. 

Networking is essential for all industries, more so in real estate than any other. So it’ll be important to know how to network for your real estate investing business.

5. Adjust Your Sales Strategy

It might be a good idea to review your sales strategy. Are you calling at the same time everyday? Are you calling the same person everyday? Are you only working certain hours?

Calling someone everyday at the same time might be too aggressive. Additionally, if you are calling at the same time, you may want to consider trying at a different time when they are more available? Flexibility will help you not only professionally but also personally. 

If you have dropped them in an email campaign. Do you know where people drop off? Do you know which emails result in low opening rates? Whether people are clicking on your links or not? It might be time to revise your strategies in order to adapt to who your leads are instead of who you hope them to be. 

Re-engaging your old leads can be daunting, but usually there are 2-3 good leads in there. Don’t get discouraged, there are limitless possibilities.

Once you find motivated sellers, you may want to use a subject-to deal so you aren’t using your own money or financing it using your own credit.

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You have to get out there in front of sellers and go through the Presentation. Learn from your mistakes, because each and every time you do it, the better you will become.

Sometimes students struggle with the fear of making the presentation and doing something incorrect on the appointment or talking to a seller over the phone. The process of going through the presentation and practicing the phone form is one of the key components that Marko talks about in the videos and also at his seminars.

If you’re waiting to have a perfect presentation and a perfect buying experience from the seller, you will be waiting a long time and possibly never really get started. You have to take action and get in front of sellers to perfect your presentation, as well as to “plant the seeds” that Marko talks about.

Just like Marko, no one’s presentation is perfect starting out. You must practice it a number of times. Each time you do the presentation you will learn a great deal. This “process” is what it’s all about: learning from each and every presentation you do with the seller.

Working on your presentation should be a process, not a chore. Have a spouse, friend, or someone in your family practice with you going through your presentation binder and going through the PEN process (Presentation, Education, and Negotiation). Like anything that’s new, there is a learning curve you have to go through to become proficient. We are so lucky that we have all of Marko’s material, systems, and videos to help us.

People learn in different ways: some learn best from books and written material, and others prefer video. Whichever way you learn best is okay because we are not all the same. The main thing is you have to get out there in front of sellers and go through the process of the presentation and learn from your mistakes, because each and every time you do it, the better you will become, and the quicker you will be proficient at the process of buying houses on a regular basis. It’s all about practice – but good practice, because if you go out and do it poorly, do not learn from your mistakes, and you continue on that way, you will never overcome the hurdle to finally start buying houses.

Everyone has to go through this process just like Marko did and just like the coaches did. It’s all about looking at the bigger picture, your dreams, and your goals for this business. Marko and the coaches strongly recommend that you record your presentations in the beginning so you can learn from what you said at the appointment. This may be an eye-opening experience showing you how you come across to the seller and sometimes what you actually said to the seller. This too is a part of the learning process; making yourself better and giving you more confidence.

You must get in front of sellers to make this business happen and we do that in many different ways: by marketing, phone calls, bandit signs and placing ads on different websites like Craigslist. As Marko has said many times this is not a “get rich quick” business. If you apply yourself, this business has the potential to make you comfortable and can change the life of your family for the better. When it comes down to it isn’t that what life’s all about?

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