Best Practices to Win More Business

Best Practices to Win More Business

As a real estate investor, there are plenty of things to learn to keep momentum moving forward in your business. In order to lead your business ahead of competitors, it is important to maintain a strong balance between three pillars of success; automation, marketing, and delegation.

The best practices to win more business can be followed if you create a strong plan of action that can win minds, hearts, and the business of buyers and sellers. Their interest in your real estate endeavours can automatically fuel your success rate.

Develop A Winning Attitude

Although many real estate investors try to invest more in developing connections with coaches to learn new business development strategies, this doesn’t always ensure desired consistency in results. If you want to achieve your goals, the very first thing to do is develop a winning attitude.  

Best Practices to Win More Business

You want to avoid engaging in wrong practices and disregarding the winning strategies. Do your research to see who is getting results. There’s a lot of information out there, but not all of it is going to get you to where you want to go. Being successful isn’t about short term gains, self-interests and greedy approaches. In order to be successful in this industry, and to ensure a great position for the future, it is important to put others first. The successful real estate investor will make sure that potential clients are respected and provided with impeccable service.

One of the best methods to win hearts and business of your clients is to overcome your weaknesses and play with your strengths. Be friendly and show the real side of you. Be authentic. Don’t make false promises, as truth matters. You need to use trustworthy and use honest, reliable strategies. The core idea is to build your brand with trust, authenticity, and competency to lead to ongoing success. At the same time, make efforts to highlight your status through testimonials and referrals.

The Importance Of Lead Generation

Get to a place where you understand the value of productive lead generation. The fact is that leads usually have a restricted shelf life, so you’ve got to move on them quickly. Follow some consistent and repeatable strategies for follow up. Even if it takes multiple attempts to succeed, don’t grow weary.

A real estate investor doesn’t have failure as a word in their dictionary; they are always curious to make a recognizable appearance in the competitive world. Be regular and consistent with your efforts while utilizing your resources in the most creative manner. The fact is that wasted resources lead to lost revenue. Present yourself as a skillful, involved, accessible, knowledgeable, confident and caring person, so that your clients can trust you. This is essential to win more business in the real estate investment sector.


Be Confident in Real Estate Investing

Fear, to me, means “false evidence appearing real.” That is why I always say to face your fear. Face up to the fact that it is okay to hear no. You can work yourself up about what you think will happen at an appointment, when in reality it probably isn’t what’s going to happen at all.

You can go over every negative scenario repeatedly, getting to the point that you are too scared to even go on an appointment, let alone close a deal. But, 99.9% of what you think will happen, likely won’t. But, the fear is so strong that you let it stop you. 

Step away from this fear of hearing no. When you feel fear and can push through it, it means you are growing and learning. If you are always comfortable, you know you aren’t doing everything you can to succeed. 

If you’re afraid of things, that’s okay, but know that just on the other side is where you need to be to grow your real estate investing business beyond your expectations. 

Take Action Despite the Fear of No

Success is on the other side of the comfort zone. The only way to get there is to take action, even when you have a fear of hearing no. Being comfortable just slows you down. 

There is only so much learning you can do. I see so many students say they aren’t ready to go on an appointment. That they haven’t learned enough about real estate investing yet. 

But, you don’t have to know it all to meet with a seller. These meetings, even the ones where you hear no, are what prepare you for the next appointment, where you might hear yes. 

Running a successful real estate investing business takes work and the willingness to take massive action. 

Last Week’s News

Mindset Is The Key to Success in Real Estate Investing

How to have a positive mindset and become a real estate investor

Generating a life-changing income is something you likely desire if you have, or are starting, a real estate investing business. However, without the right mindset the road to success can be a long one. 

I always say, the most expensive real estate you own is what’s between your eyes; your mindset. We all have that little inner voice, that fear, that doubt. 

Your mind has created a comfort zone, and its auto-pilot mode tries to keep you safe within the boundaries. The key is to break out of these limits and develop a mindset that will lead you to success. In this blog, you’ll learn how to overcome a negative mindset so you can embrace becoming a real estate investor. 

Common Mindset Blocks in Real Estate Investing

There are common mental blocks I see with my students, and you can overcome any of them and become a great real estate investor.

For example: 

I’m an introvert, there is no way I can do meetings with sellers. 
What if they ask me a question I don’t know the answer to? 
I am bad at math, so how can I run an investment business? 
I am broke, so I can’t make money in real estate investing. 

Even if you don’t see your fear on this list, there are ways to shift any mindset that is limiting you from starting your journey into real estate investing. Next, we will go over a few mindset blocks and how you can change them to move out of your comfort zone.

Cold Calling

Let’s look at an example of overcoming cold calling, one of the most common mindsets of not wanting to make calls to sellers because of the fear of rejection. The inability to cold calling will make real estate investing almost impossible.

In this case, put yourself in the seller’s shoes. If you had a house for sale, you would want people to call you about the property right? That is a simple mindset switch that can help you pick up the phone. People want you to call and they want your help. There is no need to have fear.

Handshake - Making a deal means getting a lot of Nos first

The Fear of Hearing No

Another big fear is hearing the word “no.” However, there are a certain number of “nos” that you need to get before you get a “yes.” Of course there are people who go on their first appointment and get a deal, but that’s not typical. Get comfortable with hearing no, because it will help you in real estate investing.

Some people go to 10 appointments before they finally get a deal. Guess what, was it worth it for them? Absolutely. So, when one of my students has a fear of rejection, I remind them that every no they hear is practice leading them to the yes that will put money in their pocket.

Move Your Mindset Forward to Feel Comfortable with Real Estate Investing

Your mindset is what will determine the outcome of your real estate investing business. The wrong mindset will point you in the wrong direction and lead to frustration. It is why people eventually quit. So, changing the mindset holding you back is essential.

Evaluate Your Mindset

You need to identify what is holding you back from becoming a real estate investor. First, make a list of things you fear about your real estate investing business. Then, you can evaluate why you feel this way. 

Knowledge Equals A Confident Mindset

One way to shift your mindset to a confident one is to continue to gather knowledge. Whether you are new to real estate investing, or have been investing for years, there is always something to learn. 

Having knowledge will help build confidence. It will help eliminate any doubts you have about being a successful investor. There are several ways to do this: 

Again, your success in real estate investing depends on your mindset. 


When To Conduct A Title Search For A Real Estate Investment

October 3, 2024

In the real estate investing methods I teach you, and you’ll want to conduct a title search for your investment when you are going to close.

Before then, you just need to make sure you are completing necessary due diligence by talking with the seller and finding out information about the property.

Here, we will cover how to get a title search when it is time, and what information you should collect before hand.

What is A Title on a Property and How Do I Search for It?

A title gives legal ownership to a piece of real estate. The title holder(s) have the right to sell the property.

You can sometimes do a title search online through the state or through a title search company. The service will scour public records to make sure that the seller is the actual owner of the property. It will also tell you if there are any liens, which is a legal claim against the asset, property restrictions, or other outstanding issues with the ownership.

I suggest doing the title search right before closing. You can also do it when you are getting a purchase and sale agreement signed, although it isn’t necessary this early in the process.

In some states a property title search is free, while in others the cost can range from $50 to $100.

Information to Gather Beforehand

When first meeting with a homeowner, the most important thing to evaluate is their motivation to sell. If someone is highly motivated, they will likely be happy to work with you.

checklist before you conduct a title search

Additional information to get includes:

This information is enough to get you through the sales process before you need to get an official title search.

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